How Much Time Should You Spend Journaling?

written by Ana 

posted on Oct 20, 2022

how much time should you spend journaling

Whether you are writing down a few sentences every morning to increase your productivity or prefer to journal at night for reflection, you might be wondering for how long you should journal to see its benefits. 

So, how much time should you spend journaling?

Generally, people who want to journal to boost their productivity spend on average 15 to 20 minutes every day 3 to 5 times per week. If you are journaling to become a better writer, then try to spend from 30 minutes to an hour filling three sides of the paper with words. Gratitude journaling or writing for anxiety usually takes about 5 to 15 minutes but you can spend as much time as you want if you feel like it.

Let’s just quickly recap what journaling is. It’s simply a practice of writing down your thoughts, feelings and observations. When you read what you wrote, it helps to organize the event in your mind. That way you can get a better understanding of why you feel a certain way about a particular thing that happened in your life. 

While it’s a good practice to keep a daily journal, it’s totally fine to reach out for it only when you have an urge to write about what worries you.

So, when it comes to journaling, everyone has their own goal.

Just ask yourself a question about why you are doing it.

Increasing productivity, becoming a better writer and dealing with anxiety are common reasons why people start journaling. Each of these goals requires a different approach to journaling, so how long it will take to make a journal entry also depends. 

How long should you journal daily?

If you want to make journaling a habit that sticks, then taking 5 to 15 minutes a day to write down your feelings and thoughts is your goal. Try to do it 3 to 5 times a week for the first few weeks and slowly progress to writing every day.  You can spend less time, the key is staying consistent and reaching out for your journal daily. 

Many people keep a daily journal to stay productive.

Let’s find out how long should you journal to stay on top of your to-do list!

Indeed, as we have a tendency to focus on the tasks we haven’t done, it may trigger negative emotions leading to tension and overthinking.

How much time should you spend journaling to boost productivity?

It’s recommended to write for 10 to 15 minutes to make the most of the productivity journal. That’s how long it will take to write down your number one goal of the day, 1 to 3 things that you want to accomplish today along with a to-do list. Some people also like to spend a few minutes doing a reflective exercise or writing down things they are grateful for.

How long should you journal to improve your writing?

If you want to become a better writer, you can benefit from keeping a regular journal and writing in it every morning. It’s a good idea to challenge yourself to spend 30 minutes every day for 30 days to note down ideas and track your thoughts. Let yourself write freely without worrying about grammar or punctuation.

A good start would be trying out an exercise called Morning Pages introduced by artist and author Julia Cameron in 1992. All you need to do is write anything you want on 3 sides of the paper. You can read more about the tool in this ebook.

How much time should you spend journaling for anxiety?

Some people use a journal to write down their worries and describe how they felt about certain events that happened. Spending at least 5 minutes a day journaling can help to reduce your anxiety. However, if you have nothing to write about, that’s totally fine. Similarly, it’s normal to write for a longer period of time when you are feeling overwhelmed.

I personally don’t have a dedicated journal for stress or anxiety and, instead, just reach out for a notebook when I am dealing with stress from studying.

Let us know in the comments how much time you spend journaling!

Want more journaling tips, tricks, and ideas? Follow us on Pinterest!

Happy Journaling:)

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